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For example, a horse age 1 to 14 that is used for Breed showing in most western or
hunter under saddle events (APHA, AQHA, PtHA, ApHC, etc.) with a value of $6,000 would
cost $195 to $216 for mortality and $200 to $475 for medical (rates depend on carrier and limit
and any minimum policy premium).
Halter horses are generally rated 5% to 5.5%
We do have carriers that will issue a policy without an exclusion on an HYPP N/H horse that has never been symptomatic.
How much do you have invested in your horse? Ever think what you would do if your horse was stolen or died? Worried about the cost of veterinary bills in the event of an accident or illness?
Then you need to have mortality & medical coverage on your horse. Policies are written on an Agreed Value basis which means that if you have to make a claim for the loss of your horse you don't have to prove the value - it's all agreed upon up front.
Any breed and any use can be insured - whether you are showing cutting & reining, western & hunter under saddle, barrel racing / gaming, or halter. We even insure animals that are used solely for breeding. Insurance available from 24 hours old to age 20.
Be aware that the insurance company may require a certain amount of medical or surgical treatment before euthanasia will be authorized. It always depends on the type and severity of the claim and whether or not euthanasia is warranted. Veterinarians need to follow AAEP guidelines for euthanasia ( Therefore it is a good idea to also purchase some type of medical or surgical coverage with mortality.
Call for more information (see below for information on Loss of Use coverage)
Temporary Policies - just need insurance for a trip (buying a new horse that is being shipped to you or taking one to the World Show) or trying a horse out before buying? We can do a temporary policy - premium is fully earned and non-refundable (and must be paid up front). Premium covers mortality/theft only.
If the horse dies or is stolen during the time you need the coverage in force, then the balance of the annual premium is due in order for the policy to pay out the face value. For example, if your horse is insured for $10,000, you would pay a premium (typically around $100) for up to 30 days. If the horse dies or is stolen, you would owe the balance of full annual premium (typically the full premium would be $325 to $550) and then would receive the face value of $10,000.
Call or email for more information.
Temporary Policy Options:
transit / less than 30 days = $100 (horses valued $25,000 or less)
30 day policy = $250 (horses valued $20,000 or less)
60 day policy = $250 (horses valued $16,000 or less)
90 day policy = $250 (horses valued $13,000 or less)
NOTE: depending on the value of your horse and the length of policy term 30 days or more, we may have other options that will suit your needs better - just ask.
Loss Of Use - what is it and do I need it?
Loss of Use is a coverage that pays you a percentage of your horse's value in the event they become unable to perform the use they are insured for but the injury or illness is not severe enough to put the horse down. For example a show horse badly injures a tendon and can no longer be a show horse but the injury will heal and the horse can be sound for light riding. Cost is typically around 3% of the insured mortality value and typically pays out around 60% ofthe horse's insured value. Coverage is not available for all uses and does require a full vet exam with multiple x-rays. Most carriers will require another set of x-rays every 2 years.
Mailing Address
Monday - Friday
9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Available anytime by appointment
or 24 hours a day for emergencies
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